Residenssikysely suomeksi TÄÄLLÄ
Puuraja ry is a non-profit art and culture organization based in northern Finland – Lapland.
We are creating residencies for artists and professionals in creative fields. We would like to know what is the most important, essential, necessary or good thing to have in a creative residency from a guest’s point of view. We want to hear your needs, hopes and dreams especially for a residency period in Lapland. You can help us to create a sustainable and well functioning residency by answering our short questionnaire below. Inquiry is anonymous and open for anyone in the creative field interested in residencies, in any state of career. If you would be interested in taking part in our residency in the future, you can leave your contact information and we will inform you as the project proceeds to the testing phase. Questionnaire shouldn’t take more than 5 to 10 minutes and it’s open until 7th of February 2025. We truly appreciate your time and effort. Thank you!
Residency offers a short term working facility and possibilities for artists and professionals in the creative field. Working periods can be anything from one week to one year depending on the program. Also the working and accommodation facilities vary. Residency programs are created to offer resources for creative work, to encourage interaction and to activate the culture life at the residency neighbourhoods.
Would you be interested to be one of our first guests and residency testers?
In that case please continue a little longer and leave us your contact information. Our residency development project will take the next step to a testing period in Autumn 2025. Everyone who has answered our questionnaire and lives their contact information has an opportunity to apply for a test period in our residencies free of charge during 2025-2026. We will send you more information as soon as we get there.